Achieve more by giving back to the community. Kindness can come in many forms…
At We R Community we believe everyone should have access to good quality food. We’re here for the Brampton community who are going without. We know one in three people struggling to get enough food for their household needs are new to the situation. There is no shame in asking for help. Life happens to us all and we’re here for everyone.
Kindness can come in many forms…
So next time you’re visiting We R Community, you have the opportunity to make a small gesture of kindness. Make someone’s day by paying-it-forward so they too can enjoy a nice meal and beverage. Because together We are strong community, makes doing good, doable.
Hunger crisis
One in six adult have gone hungry in the past year.
Together we stand strong
You can make a difference
At We R Community we believe everyone should have access to food.
It really is about so much more than a meal. This project can provide physical comfort, conversation, a smile or even a laugh, and a sense of belonging to a family.
Kindness can come in many forms…
So next time you’re visiting We R Community, you have the opportunity to make a small gesture of kindness. Make someone’s day by paying-it-forward so they too can enjoy a nice meal and beverage. Because together We are strong community, makes doing good, doable.
If you are a community group looking to support with a food or fundraising drive, please contact us. food is a basic human right together we can help. We R Community plays an active part in not only relieving the immediate need for food today but also affecting change to eliminate hunger tomorrow. We want to give back to our community and our neighbours who need it most, food is a basic human right together we can help.
If you are a community group looking to support with a food or fundraising drive, please contact us. food is a basic human right together we can help. Together, we provide, food access to seniors, adults and children experiencing food shortage.
Are you 16 or older and looking for an exciting and rewarding way to be involved in We R Community events? Volunteer with We R Community! With activities in every corner of the city and throughout the year, there will be plenty of opportunities to lend a hand and have some fun.