Our Vision

We for a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Our Vision

We for a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Our purpose

Strengthening wellbeing of communities by providing essential services.

Our purpose

Strengthening wellbeing of communities by providing essential services.

Our Mission

We for a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive

Our Mission

We for a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive

Our heart and passion is at the core of everything we do for the Community.

At We R Community we believe everyone should have access to good quality food. We’re here for the community. We know one in three people struggling to get enough food for their household needs. There is no shame in asking for help. We’re here for everyone!
See our Services for the range of help we are providing to the community.

Help your neighbours to access food.

Your generous gift will help families and individuals experiencing food insecurity across the Brampton.

Book a meeting with WRC

Volunteer Experience

Gain valuable skills and experience, engage and inspire your community, develop meaningful friendships and create memories to talk about for years to come. Be part of the community!


Our Vission

We for a community where everyone hasthe opportunity to thrive. Educate the community to actively participate in the mainstream Canadian politics, Canadian values, culture, sports and bring awareness to become a member of charitable organisations.


Our Mission.

To strengthen the wellbeing of communitiesby advocating for and delivering food and providing essential services.

Fighting Hunger

Together we as a community strive to understand how these values should determine our behaviour and strengthen us as we pursue our vision.